多态(Polymorphism): 意味着可以对不同类的对象使用同样的操作
def getPrice(object): if isinstance(object, tuple): return object[1] elif isinstance(object, dict): return object['price'] else: return magic_network_method(object)
def length_message(x): print("The length of", repr(x), 'is', len(x))length_message('panzidong')length_message([1,2,3,4])
The length of 'panzidong' is 9The length of [1, 2, 3, 4] is 4
封装(Encapsulation): 对外部隐藏对象的工作细节
"百灵鸟类"是“鸟类”的子类(subclass), 鸟类是百灵鸟类的超类(superclass)
不同的子类,在使用超类的方法时, 有可以会需要重写(override)父类的方法
__metaclass__ = typeclass Person: def setName(self, name): self.name = name def getName(self): return self.name def greet(self): print("hello, world, i'a %s" % self.name)
# 如何让方法和特性变成私有
class Secretive: def __inaccessible(self): print('bet you can\'t see me...') def accessible(self): print("The secret message is:") self.__inaccessible()s = Secretive()s.accessible()
The secret message is:bet you can't see me...
继承(Inheritance): 以通用的类为基础建立专门的类对象
class Filter: def init(self): self.blocked = [] def filter(self, sequence): return [x for x in sequence if x not in self.blocked]class SPAMFilter(Filter): def init(self): self.blocked = ['SPAM']print(issubclass(SPAMFilter, Filter))
class Calculator: def calculate(self, expression): self.value = eval(expression)class Talker: def talk(self): print("hi, my value is", self.value)class TalkingCalculator(Calculator,Talker): pass
note: 先继承的类中的方法会重写后续继续的类中的方法。